Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

There are no posts on this blog (explanation).

To confirm your suspicions, yes, it is safe to assume that the reason I have not posted on my X-rated blog more than once in over two years is because I have been living a completely clean life devoid of all of the evils including, but not limited to: evils of the flesh, alcohol, heroin and prescription medication, sexuality, caffeine, sugar and sugar-substitute, and even gluttony. Buzz me if I've missed any, because I can assure you I have not participated in them. This post is hereby all the proof my parents will ever need.

And please send money, I've used it all on hookers.


Friday, August 3, 2007

There are currently no posts on this blog.

Part of the problem is that there is a direct link from my main blog to this one, which makes keeping it under tabs slightly more difficult. I may be moving this blog to another name altogether, if I indeed decide that it has a right to exist on the W.W.W. at all. So how do you know that this blog is for adult content? Because the background is dark. Dark like your soul.